Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

No one likes being in pain, and it can be debilitating when that pain is in your hands, feet, or legs. More than 30 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy, which develops when the nerves in the extremities are damaged. If you suffer from this condition, you know how difficult it can be to find relief. But there is hope.

At Health Expressions, we offer pain management treatments for neuropathic pain, including shockwave therapy, to treat symptoms and improve your quality of life. If you are searching for pain management in Rochester, NY, Rockville, MD, or shockwave therapy in Pittsford, NY, Rochester, MD, the Rochester metro area, or the DC metro and Baltimore areas, we want to help. To schedule your free consultation, call (301) 244-4717 or complete the online booking form.


Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that develops when the nerves in the extremities are damaged. This can cause various symptoms, including pain, numbness, and tingling. The condition can be acute, meaning it comes on suddenly, or chronic, meaning it lasts for a long time. Additionally, nerves may send pain signals to the brain for no reason.

Various factors and health conditions, including diabetes, chemotherapy, kidney disease, certain medications, autoimmune diseases, alcohol abuse, and vitamin B12 deficiency, can cause neuropathic pain. In some cases, the cause is unknown.

Neuropathy is a progressive condition, meaning the symptoms worsen over time. In some cases, the symptoms can be mild and barely noticeable; in other cases, the nerve pain can be severe and disabling.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of peripheral neuropathy that develops in people with diabetes, and it is the most common type of neuropathy, affecting up to 50% of people with diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy can cause various symptoms, including pain, numbness and tingling, loss of sensation in the extremities, and muscle weakness.

The symptoms can be mild initially but tend to worsen over time. In some studies, whole-body vibration and shock wave therapy have proven to be effective treatments for diabetic neuropathy.


The symptoms of peripheral nerve damage vary depending on the damaged nerve. There are three types of nerves—sensory, motor, and autonomic. Sensory nerves send information from the body to the brain, motor nerves control movement, and autonomic nerves regulate automatic functions like blood pressure and digestion.

  • Sensory Nerves: Damage to the sensory nerves can cause pain, numbness, and tingling. The pain is often described as a burning or prickling sensation. In some cases, the pain is so severe that it interferes with sleep.
  • Motor Nerves: Damage to the motor nerves can cause weakness and muscle wasting. The muscles may become smaller and weaker. In some cases, the muscles may be so weak that they cannot support the body.
  • Autonomic Nerves: Damage to the autonomic nerves can cause a variety of symptoms, including blood pressure fluctuations, heart rate, constipation or diarrhea, and sexual dysfunction. In some cases, the autonomic nerves are so damaged that they cannot regulate the body’s functions properly, which can be life-threatening.


Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a new treatment showing promising results. Shock wave therapy uses sound waves to stimulate the nerves and promote healing. The sound waves are specifically targeted to the area of damage, which makes shock wave therapy an effective treatment for peripheral neuropathy pain.

  • One of the advantages of shock wave therapy is that it is non-invasive. The treatment is safe and has very few side effects.
  • Another advantage of shock wave therapy is that it effectively treats various conditions, including diabetic neuropathy, chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, and idiopathic neuropathy.

The Benefits Of Shock Wave Therapy

  • Our treatments are non-surgical
  • No anesthesia is required
  • After treatment, you can return to your regular activities 


At Health Expressions, our goal is to provide you with the best possible care. We want to help fix the problem, not just mask the pain. We are proud to say that 95% of patients report improvement in their neuropathy after treatments from Dr.Miller and her staff.

  • Multidisciplinary Approach: We believe in a multidisciplinary approach to care. In addition to shock wave therapy, we offer a variety of other treatments, including physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, whole body vibration, nutritional support, red light infrared, and near-infrared therapy.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: We know that every patient is different, and we will develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
  • Safe & effective: We use the latest evidence-based treatments that are safe and effective.
  • Daily tips to maximize healing: We help you to maximize your healing with daily tips on diet, exercise, and stress reduction.


There are a variety of other treatments for peripheral neuropathy, but most of them only mask the symptoms and can have adverse effects. The drugs used to treat neuropathy only address the pain, numbness, and tingling but do not address the underlying conditions. In some cases, the drugs can cause serious side effects, including liver damage, kidney damage, and gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition, the drugs are often ineffective in treating the condition.

Surgery is another treatment option for peripheral neuropathy, but it is usually only recommended as a last resort. Surgery is invasive and can cause serious side effects. In addition, surgery does not always improve the symptoms of neuropathy.


In addition to treatment, several lifestyle changes can help improve the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

  • Exercise: Exercise is an important part of treating and preventing peripheral neuropathy. Exercise helps to increase blood flow to the nerves, reduces stress, and improves muscle strength. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.
  • Diet: A healthy diet is essential for overall health and can help improve neuropathy symptoms. Eating a diet centered on protein, good fats, high in fiber, and low in sugar and starch can help improve blood sugar levels. In addition, eating a diet that includes fresh vegetables with some lower-sugar fruit can help to improve nerve function.
  • Stress Reduction: Stress can worsen the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. It is essential to find ways to reduce stress in your life. Some stress-reducing techniques include yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy.


We take chronic pain seriously and are here to help you find relief. If you’re ready to explore alternative therapies for neuropathy or other pain conditions, Health Expressions is here to help. If you suffer from pain and are looking for help with pain management in Rochester, NY, Pittsford, NY, Rockville, MD, or pain management near me, please contact us to schedule an appointment.

If you want to know more about how shock wave therapy can help you and you’re looking for shock wave therapy in Rochester, NY, Pittsford, NY, or Rockville, MD, call (301) 244-4717 or complete the online booking form to schedule your free consultation.


Is peripheral neuropathy curable?

There is no cure for neuropathy, but treatments are available to help relieve the symptoms.

Can anxiety cause peripheral neuropathy?

Stress and anxiety can worsen the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. It is important to find ways to reduce stress in your life. Some stress-reducing techniques include yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy.

Does cold weather make peripheral neuropathy worse?

Cold weather can worsen the symptoms of neuropathy. It is important to dress warmly and to keep your feet and hands warm.

Can vitamin B12 help with peripheral neuropathy?

Vitamin B12 is essential for proper nerve function, and a deficiency of vitamin B12 and other nutrients can lead to neuropathy. Taking a vitamin B12 supplement can help improve peripheral neuropathy symptoms. During our neuropathy programs, we customize a nutritional program to help nourish the nerves, feed the body, and support the healing process.

Is massage therapy good for peripheral neuropathy?

Massage therapy can help to improve blood flow and reduce stress. Finding a qualified massage therapist with experience treating people with peripheral neuropathy is important.

Can obesity cause peripheral neuropathy?

Obesity is a risk factor for peripheral neuropathy. Losing weight can help to improve the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

Are compression socks good for peripheral neuropathy?

Compression socks can help to improve blood flow and reduce swelling. They are especially helpful for people who have diabetes-related peripheral neuropathy.

Can acupuncture help with peripheral neuropathy?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain. There is some evidence that acupuncture can help relieve peripheral neuropathy symptoms.

Can herbal medicines help with pain?

There is some evidence that herbal medicines and supplements such as ginger and turmeric can help to relieve pain. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.


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